This week, I was planning to post a “fun” blog, at least “fun” in my mind about the “accountability virus” (as opposed to the coronavirus) that plagues most every organization. However, I woke up this morning with such a heavy heart. So, the “accountability virus”, while normally a relevant topic, did not seem very relevant today.
That is why I am reaching out personally this afternoon. I am heartbroken by last week’s horrific events. But, as many friends have pointed out, there were many, many deaths and injustices before George Floyd. I saw a powerful quote yesterday from Archbishop Desmond Tutu that resonated with me. He said “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” In a sense, the often-heard coronavirus mantra, “We are all in this together”, takes on a different meaning for me now.
As a privileged white woman, I have so many questions:
· How do I make a difference?
· How can I be an example for my kids and show them that love is the answer?
· How can I connect with my broader community?
· How can I use my talents, my voice and my privilege to make a difference?
I walked into the den yesterday morning and my 15-year old boys were watching ESPN. I caught the tail end of an interview with Marcus Spears (former LSU player) talking about some advice he had given to his white friends about the situation. He told them,
“It is not enough to just know it is wrong,
you must say it is wrong.”
That was the spark that I needed to write this blog, to do more, and to start uncomfortable conversations. I want to seek to understand.
I do not condone the violence that has taken place in recent days as I believe it overshadows the true intent of the peaceful protesters. To quote Martin Luther King Jr.;
“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence,
toughness multiplies toughness….”
We have mission at our company to…“to end human suffering at work”. Maybe it just got a bit bigger. Let’s start a conversation.
Amanda Aghdami