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Thursday, April 30


FYE 2020 RECAP: Jan. 29, 2020

 Put an "edge" on your business transformation skills and become a stronger change catalyst by spending a day with top local executives and agile guru, Esther Derby. 











Quotes from attendees:


  • “I got a bucket of actionable results out of all the speakers today.”

  • “This is one of the better conferences I have been to.  ….and, we can take lessons learned back to our organizations.”

  • “A solid day, extremely informative.  Finally, a seminar/event that speaks to the people at the center of transformation.” 



Thank you to all who attended our first Find Your Edge 2020 Conference: Micro Shifts for Macro Results. Wow – what a day! We were mesmerized by the instant sense of camaraderie felt throughout the event; the constant flow of ideas; and the contagious enthusiasm felt by all for bringing joy to the workplace! 


Our day began with an inspirational presentation by Agile Guru and 3x author, Esther Derby. Esther reminded us that change always starts from where you currently are and that small nudges can lead to big results down the road.


Chris Mumford, President of The Martin Agency, blew us away with some exciting ads and impressive music. Most importantly, however, he reminded us that change is inevitable. How we face and tackle that change is what matters. Embrace your imperfections and grow from them; and build diversity through actions not just words.


Three midday workshops led by Roxanne Brown & Ed Cook from The Change Decision; Mark Pushinksy from Hard Yards; and Amanda Aghdami & Paige Henry from Edgehill allowed participants to break into small groups to delve deeper into key topics such as workplace influencers, how to use metrics, and how to let go to harness growth. All attendees left these sessions with valuable tools to take back to work and put into practice that day. Resounding feedback was that these workshops were so great attendees wanted to be able to attend all three. (Next time we are building in more time for additional workshops!)


We ended our conference with an executive panel comprised of Cindy Yao, CFO Markel Food Groups; Jimmy Chou, CEO SingleStone; Kim Bolger, Senior Director Heritage Wealth Advisors; and Khary Scott, VP Capital One. The panel discussion was moderated by Esther Derby. The questions went deep and our panel of executives went even deeper with their answers. 


We look forward to seeing you all at our next event!


Please click here to let us know about topics and speakers that you would like for us to bring to our next Learning Collaborative event.


Esther Derby A-ha Moment.jpg
Find Your Edge 2020 | Khary Scott | Capi
Amanda Aghdami | Paige Henry | FYE 2020.
Find Your Edge 2020 | Jimmy Chou | Singl
Chris Mumford.jpg
Find Your Edge 2020 | Kim Bolger | Herit
Roxanne Brown | Ed Cook.jpg
Find Your Edge | cindy Yao | Markel Food
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Special thanks to our event photographer Kim Brundage!

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